The March 2022 inauguration of the Salisbury Water Treatment Plant doubles the municipality’s water treatment capacity. Penetron crystalline technology was specified to waterproof the plant’s concrete structures.
The oldest colonial town in the western region of North Carolina, Salisbury is noted for its numerous historic buildings and districts. With a current population of over 40,000, the city is part of the Charlotte, NC metropolitan area and continues to attract a growing population.
The Salisbury-Rowan Utilities (SRU) provides drinking water for residents living in the Salisbury area. This water originates from the Blue Ridge Mountains and flows to Salisbury and High Rock Lake. Due to a rapidly expanding population, SRU mandated a $10 million construction project in 2018 to double the capacity of the city’s water treatment plant.
Treatment for New Concrete Structures
Designed by Labella Associates, an international architecture firm specializing in infrastructure projects, the renovation and expansion of the Salisbury Water Treatment Plant added new treatment tanks and filters in addition to a centrifuge building, sludge mixing tanks, a solids handling system, foundation slabs and walls.
“PENETRON ADMIX was chosen because it met the SRU project requirements for the new concrete structures,” explains Christopher Chen, Director of The Penetron Group. “Our admixture enables the concrete to resist extreme hydrostatic pressure from either the positive or negative surface of the concrete slab and also self-seals any hairline cracks. This ensures that the concrete remains waterproof throughout the service life of the structure.”
Sealing Concrete from Water Penetration
PENETRON ADMIX is a blend of Portland cement, very fine-treated silica, and active, proprietary chemicals. Mixed with fresh concrete, it triggers a catalytic reaction to form a non-soluble crystalline structure throughout the pores and capillary tracts of the concrete, sealing it tightly from water or liquid penetration. Ideal as a permeability-reducing admixture for hydrostatic conditions like the Salisbury water treatment plant, PENETRON ADMIX is also non-toxic and suitable for potable water applications (NSF 61 certified).
“The waterproofing characteristics of PENETRON ADMIX increase the overall durability of the concrete, extending the service life of the concrete – and greatly reduces future waterproofing related maintenance costs,” concludes Christopher Chen.

Expanded and upgraded: The new Salisbury NC water treatment plant now has new treatment tanks and filters, a centrifuge building, sludge mixing tanks, and a solids handling system.