The October 2017 roll-out of Klabin’s newest wood pulp plant in Ortigueria (Paraná), Brazil, effectively doubles the company’s production capacity in one stroke. PENETRON ADMIX was used to ensure a durable and waterproof basement structure.
The largest paper manufacturer in Brazil, Klabin is now also the only company in Brazil to simultaneously offer hardwood (eucalyptus), softwood (pine), and fluff pulps – thanks to the new Puma facility in Ortigueria. The new Puma facility uses state-of-the-art environmental technology to maximize efficient use of the wood. This unit also generates around 270 MW of electricity, with a surplus of 150 MW – enough to supply a city of 500,000 inhabitants, which brings Klabin closer to self-sufficiency in electric energy.
“Faced with a relatively high water table at the construction site, the PENETRON Brazil team provided the builder, Construtora Tucumã, with a durable solution for the underground structures,” explains Cláudio Neves Ourives, Executive Director of PENETRON Brazil. “Given the depth of the foundation, a solution was needed to secure the concrete structure, especially with the hydrostatic pressure evident at the site.”
The PENETRON Brazil team provided a solution, based on the formation of a crystalline network throughout the pores and capillary tracts of the concrete, that permanently seals concrete against the penetration of water or liquids from any direction. This can permanently protect the concrete from deterioration, even under demanding environmental conditions.
PENETRON ADMIX was added to treat the concrete used in the foundation slab and the retaining walls of the basement floors. Over 2,000 m3 (2,620 cubic yards) of concrete was treated with PENETRON ADMIX. PENEBAR SW-45 waterstop was used to completely seal all new construction joints, providing a seamless level of protection.
“PENETRON’s crystalline technology keeps water from penetrating into the concrete matrix even under high hydrostatic pressure, and it also provides protection against corrosion and chemical attacks,” adds Cláudio Neves Ourives. “Using PENETRON ADMIX for the new concrete structures like the Puma unit in Ortigueria can also significantly reduce maintenance costs.”