Media Release

Sioux Falls Upgrades Sewage Infrastructure with PENETRON ADMIX


Completed in April 2021, the Sioux Falls Pump Station in South Dakota is the most recent upgrade to the Sioux Falls municipal water management system. PENETRON ADMIX was specified as the most cost-effective and easy to use concrete waterproofing solution.

Commissioned by the City of Sioux Falls, the $21.7 million project replaces the previous Brandon Road Lift Station and adds much-needed processing capacity to the city’s wastewater treatment system.

Michael Hemstad, the structural engineer, designed a facility with a peak design capacity of 65 million gallons/day, and space for an additional pump to increase flow to 90 million gallons/day. Built to withstand a 500-year flood level, the new lift station includes two mechanical screens, a bypass channel, and a channel for a future screen to be added to increase flow capacity. Four dry-pit pumps enable individual peak flows of 15,000 gallons/minute at 128’ TDH (total dynamic head). The new pump room includes extra space for a fifth pump and maintenance areas to service the pumps, including access to the piping header.

Ease of Use and Pricing Decisive

Short Elliot Hendrickson, the project architect, drew up the project plan and John T. Jones Construction managed the subsequent construction of the new pump station, which also included the sewer mains connected to the pump station.

“Originally, a competitive crystalline waterproofing solution was specified for the concrete structures of the Sioux Falls Station,” says Christopher Chen, Director of the Penetron Group. “However, the concentrated 1% dosage rate, the ease of dosage with the soluble bag format, and the competitive pricing tipped the specifications to PENETRON ADMIX SB.”

Newly Formed Cracks Self-Heal & Seal Automatically

PENETRON ADMIX SB was added to 4,200 yds3 of concrete by Buffalo Ridge Concrete, the ready-mix concrete supplier. When added to the mix, the proprietary chemicals in PENETRON ADMIX SB react in a catalytic reaction with moisture to generate a non-soluble crystalline network throughout the pores and capillary tracts of the concrete structures. The resulting crystalline formation self-heals and seals pores and micro-cracks, becoming an integral part of the concrete matrix, making the concrete impermeable. The concrete also has the ability to self-heal newly formed hairline cracks for the lifespan of the concrete, significantly reducing the maintenance needed over the lifespan of the new pumping station.

“PENETRON ADMIX SB-treated concrete is not only waterproof, but durable as well. This provides the much-needed protection against various forms of concrete deterioration typically found in harsh sewage environments like the Sioux Falls pump station,” concludes Christopher Chen.

The $21.7 million project replaces the previous Brandon Road Lift Station and adds much-needed processing capacity to the city’s wastewater treatment system.

Sioux Falls cleans up: The $21.7 million project replaces the previous Brandon Road Lift Station and adds much-needed processing capacity to the city’s wastewater treatment system.

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