
Azimut Harbor

Livorno, Italy


One of the largest seaports in Italy, Livorno’s Azimut Harbor remains a key economic motor of the city. The €15 million renewal and upgrade of the marina began in 2023 and will be completed in mid-2026. Designed by the Florence-based architectural studio, Archea Associati, the new marina will house 815 berths along with fully renovated docks and conference/entertainment infrastructure which includes space for restaurants, bars, and administrative offices.

Products Used

In the presence of moisture, the active ingredients in PENETRON and PENETRON ADMIX penetrate deeply into the concrete matrix. The ensuing chemical reaction fills microcracks, pores and capillaries with an insoluble crystalline formation, which prevents water and water-borne chemicals from entering, even under constant exposure to seawater. Cracks that develop during the lifetime of the concrete piers are automatically self-healed, resulting in permanent concrete protection.

Related Media Releases

July 11, 2024

New Harbor in Livorno, Italy, Chooses Penetron System for Durable Concrete Protection

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Products Used



Crystalline Waterproofing



Crystalline Waterproofing

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