The Dunhuang Grand Theater project, adjacent to the city’s Silk Road International Convention and Exhibition Center, features two below-ground and four above-ground floors. The main building is 35 m (115-feet) tall; the construction footprint was 31,200 m2 (343,200 square-feet) in size. It serves as one of the main venues of the Dunhuang Silk Road International Cultural Expo, an annual event that highlights cultural cooperation and communication among the countries participating in China's global “Belt and Road Initiative.”
Products Used
PENETRON ADMIX was specified as the optimal solution. Soon after the PENETRON ADMIX-treated concrete pour was completed, the concrete structures successfully endured a tough weather test of -16 °C (3 °F) temperatures. The initial construction work of the building foundation and concrete work was completed in only 45 days.
Related Media Releases
April 22, 2019