Water Treatment & Storage

East Wastewater Treatment Plant

Evansville, IN, USA


Located on the southern state border with Kentucky, the East WWTP discharges treated effluent into the Ohio River. The plant provided screening and grit removal, primary treatment, secondary treatment (using activated sludge), and disinfection. However, the secondary treatment capacity of the East WWTP was limited to 18.0 MGD, while the primary treatment capacity was 34.6 MGD. This was an insufficient capacity to prevent recurring combined sewer overflows (CSOs), when peak storm events overwhelm sewer capacities, resulting in both rainwater runoff and untreated sewage being released into the environment.

Products Used

Continually exposed to chlorides, sulfates, nitrates, disinfectants, and an array of corrosive compounds and chemicals encountered in a WWTP, concrete structures need a robust waterproofing treatment to withstand the aggressive environment. Delivered in pre-measured soluble bags to simplify the batching process, PENETRON ADMIX SB added to the concrete mix reduces concrete permeability, increases chemical resistance, and enables the self-sealing of any new or future hairline cracks. This enhances the durability and extends the service life of the treated concrete components.

Related Media Releases

July 25, 2023

Southern Indiana Community Complies with Clean Water Guidelines with Penetron Waterproofing Technology

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Products Used



Crystalline Waterproofing

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