Subsequently, the option of constructing a wholly new wastewater treatment facility was chosen. This plant includes: a raw sewage lift station, valve vault, headworks with screening, grit, and odor control equipment, sequencing batch reactor (SBR) treatment system with blowers, mixers, and decanters, UV disinfection system, low-profile cascade aeration system, non-potable water system, sludge processing system (including a sludge holding tank, blowers, mixers, and decanters, sludge pumps, centrifuge dewatering, polymer feed, and conveyor system), chemical feed system for phosphorus removal, septage receiving station, and vac truck screenings drying beds.
Products Used
Shelby Materials, a regional ready-mix concrete supplier and long-time Penetron partner, added PENETRON ADMIX SB, a crystalline waterproofing admixture, to about 11,000 yds3 of concrete mix. This mix met the specifications to effectively waterproof and protect the new concrete structures – the mat foundation, holding tanks, structural wall footings, retaining walls, elevated tank slabs, columns, beams, and walls.
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February 17, 2025