Irene Precinct is a wide-ranging, mixed-use development situated in the heart of the popular suburb of Irene (Centurion municipality), in Gauteng province, immediately southwest of Pretoria. In close proximity to the N1 highway, the Irene Link Precinct encompasses 100,000 m² of mixed-use development. The finished project is a wholly new, inter-connected community with residential, retail, educational and commercial areas.
Products Used
Métier Mixed Concrete, the project’s ready-mix concrete supplier, provided the PENETRON ADMIX-treated concrete mix for all major concrete structures, including the below-grade elements – lift pits, foundation slabs, retaining walls – as well as the exposed ground floor and roof slabs (in conjunction with a conventional bitumen membrane roofing system) to ensure optimal concrete protection. Siyabangena Waterproofing, the Penetron-approved applicator, installed the PENEBAR-SW-55 waterstop strips along all construction joints, completing the Penetron waterproofing solution.
Related Media Releases
August 3, 2021