
Kevili Farmers’ Cooperative Grain Terminal

Mäo, Estonia


The new Mäo terminal maintains a number of grain storage silos. Grain silos are a critical part of the agriculture industry, providing safe and efficient storage capacity for grain. Careful monitoring of the temperature and moisture within the silos is necessary to prevent contamination of the stored grain. The bases of the concrete silos must be impermeable to prevent moisture from penetrating into the silo and damaging the stored grain inside.

Products Used

PENETRON ADMIX, a crystalline waterproofing admixture, was added to the concrete mix for the underground tunnel. The treated concrete structure is now impermeable and resistant to deterioration caused by water penetration and resulting corrosion of the embedded reinforcement steel, while withstanding hydrostatic pressure from groundwater.

Related Media Releases

February 24, 2025

Estonia Grain Silos Protect Harvest Thanks to Penetron Concrete Waterproofing Technology

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Products Used



Crystalline Waterproofing

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