The Zoom Torino in Cumiana, a suburb of Turin, Italy, is an unusual zoological park with an “immersive” concept that brings different species together in natural environments. In the Malawi Beach habitat, a secluded island sits in an African lake with a white beach; the mostly submerged hippos – Lisa and Ze Maria – swim with thousands of colorful tropical fish – alongside amazed swimmers (and snorkelers) behind a glass barrier.
Products Used
Utilizing PENETRON ADMIX to waterproof the concrete base of the Malawi Beach exhibit provided the constructor with the necessary stability to shape the unusual and curved forms that are now part of a natural-looking environment for the hippos. PENETRON ADMIX-treated concrete was applied to a 1,200 m2 area in the new hippo habitat, comprising about 500 m3 of concrete. The construction joints were sealed with PENEBAR-SW waterstop.
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September 11, 2017